Food for Thought: Mental Preparations for Feasting

I don't know about you, but I'm gearing up for Thanksgiving feasting. I'm still on a mission to find the best stuffing/dressing recipe (if you have recommendations, please share!), and I've been dreaming of pumpkin pie. Unfortunately, these culinary ruminations have been interrupted by job applications and drafts of articles owed to my co-authors, so … Continue reading Food for Thought: Mental Preparations for Feasting

Pottery Junction: What’s Your Function? (Part Deux)

If you thought I was finished proselytizing about studying pottery function, boy were you wrong. There is still much to learn, my friends. So, as I concluded last week, we know that it looks like most pottery vessels in the Upper Great Lakes appear to have been made to function as cooking pots, but how … Continue reading Pottery Junction: What’s Your Function? (Part Deux)